Local Time in Korr, Kenya

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I Ask Dumb Questions

While at the Nairobi National Park Animal Orphanage today, I asked one of my students, "Joseph, have you ever seen a cheetah this close before?" I thought I knew the answer and was totally observing a new and exciting animal encounter for this guy. He just looked at me and with the calmest voice ever said, "No, Madame, one time a cheetah came right up and took one of my goats so I tried to stone it."

Oh, interesting.



    I MISS them! And you. Alicia and I talked waaaay too much about you today - that, and how Mark wants to hold everyone's hand when he crosses the street in Nairobi. PRECIOUS

  2. Hilarious. Oh my, I miss our kids. I'm crying right now...and I'm not joking actually. Oh my, how I miss them...and you.
