Local Time in Korr, Kenya

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Are you smarter than a Kenyan Sophomore?

This is an excerpt from the Form Two's Final Grammar English Exam.
Can you answer the questions?


Circle the correctly spelled word in the following sets. [3 mks]

a) excerpt / excert / exsert
b) plesant / pleasant / pleasent
c) coruption / corruption / corupption
d) competition / compition / compatition
e) dissapointed / disapointed / disappointed
f) unfortunitly / unfortunately / unfortunatly

Underline the misspelled words in the following paragraph and then write the correct spelling above the word you underlined. [6 mks]
In this coming Christmas holyday we should remember to apreciate the reason for the season; Christ’s birth. Some people hold the purspective that Christmas is mearly a time for giving gifts and taking a school break. However, this is really a time of the year to honor God sending His son to earth to eventualy die for our sins.


3) Circle the correct Personal Pronoun to fill in each gap. [3 mks]

a) We missed as many opportunities as ( they / them ) did.
b) You wait for Jacob and ( I / me ) here.
c) Give (she / her) a chance.
d) David knows as well as ( me / I ) that food is not permitted in the dormitories.
e) Can you describe the difference between yourself and ( he / him ).
f) It was ( she / her ) that gave me permission.

Complete the CLOSE test below by choosing from the list of words below. Write the answers on THIS page.[4.5 mks]
Consumption contaminated many desperate ironic scarce died common poisonous
When food becomes _________________ people are forced to resort to desperate measures. ________________ families resort to eating wild fruits, tubers and vegetables they find in their environment. In Turkana South people eat a hard, highly ___________________ wild fruits called “Elamarch” which they have to boil for over ten hours before it becomes safe for human ________________________. Sadly, but the time it found and cooked, some people may have ________________ from the effects of starvation. An ______________________ twist to the famine situation is when food poisoning occurs. It aggravates and already _____________________ situation because although people have food, they may die from eating it. Food poisoning occurs when people consume _________________ products. The most _______________ poisonous substance found in contaminated food is Aflatoxin BI, which is mainly found in damp maize.

5) Identify the following sentences as being in either Passive Voice or Active Voice. If the sentence is in Passive Voice rewrite it in Active Voice. If the sentence is in Active Voice, rewrite it in Passive Voice. Do this work on your answer sheet. [4 mks]
a) The girl spent a lot of time researching the information.
b) The students were given new neck ties by the principal.
c) A crime has been committed by the notorious gangster.
d) We the people reject this unfair law!

6) Add a question tag to the end of the following statements. [4 mks]
a) I am your best friend ________________________?
b) They didn’t go home ________________________?
c) We should praise the Lord____________________?
d) She can’t run quickly _______________________?
7) Complete the following sentences by inserting complex prepositions. [4 mks]
a) I have gotten a common cold _______________________________________ this rainy weather.
b) Let’s play football ________________________________________ volleyball.
c) The little child walked _____________________________________ the fire.
d) You will find the shop _____________________________________ the main road.

Complete the following sentences using the correct degree of adjective, either positive, comparative, or superlative. [4 mks]
a) When is the ________________________ (soon) you can arrive?
b) This sack of maize is _____________________ (heavy) than the one over there.
c) I find English class_______________________________ (interesting) than Physics class.
d) This is the _____________________ (good) cake I have ever tasted!

Identify which tense/aspect the following sentences are in. [2 mks]
a) The food had cooked by the time we all arrived at the house. __________________________________________
b) The supplies should arrive tomorrow afternoon. ________________________________________
c) Sukto was studying all night for her exams. _________________________________________
d) Mme. Jamie is teaching in America now. _______________________________________

10) Circle only the NON-COUNT nouns in the following list. [2.5 mks]


Rewrite each of the following sentences changing ALL the singular nouns into plural nouns. Each sentence must be entirely grammatically correct. Rewrite on your answer sheet. [8 mks]

a) The girl put a handkerchief in her pocket.
b) The boy hid a knife under the mattress.
c) This must be the car that belongs to your sister-in-law.
d) Our sheep was stolen by a thief!

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